You've got apples....and apples
You've got apples....and apples
FruitMasters compared "apples with apples", extensively.
In co-operation with market leader Essensor and research authority Wageningen University & Research. The objective is to set a new standard in the apple category with a 'smaakwijzer', a taste-test.
Will the consumer consult it?
Although a great tool that's aimed at consumers and food pro's, I'm wondering if this tool will work for consumers?
they take the effort to consult this taste-test in their grocery
shopping or spend time on this test besides the grocery shopping moment?
instead, will the consumer buy the apples in their routine grocery
shopping where price and sales promotions dominate purchase decisions?
And if the consumer consult it, will it provide the desired outcome?
The simplicity of the test is to me the strength of the test.
With the simplicity in questions comes a challenge for the tester.
Which answer comes closest to ones preference?
What if the binary answer option does not reflect ones preference?
to that, what if you simply don't know the answer to a certain question
as a consumer, the don't know answer option is not included.
Time will tell
Time will tell to see if and how this taste-test could work and is a worthwhile case to monitor.
A worthwhile case to see if in due time a large player like FruitMasters is able to set a new standard in the apple category at consumer level.
The (sensoric) research set up is solid, let's see if the scheduled MarCom campagne will also be solid.
See the following links for some of the (Dutch) articles: