Blog Marketing Monday

A series of brief articles being published by Mutrition on Monday's being
Marketing start the week with a marketing inspired thought that makes your food business healthier

Inspired by a nice column about the marketer and the necessity of creativity (see link below).
Based on numerous food projects where creative, original ideas were needed to achieve original and smart output
Given the low success rate of food innovations and/or renovations
The saying 'If you do what you did, you'll get what you got' has...

The million-dollar answer is not in this Marketing Monday thought.
The interest & aspiration to find a solid answer is in this thought!
Seaweed = promising
Seaweed has many fans, mostly in the 'seaweed bubble'
Seaweed bubble covers mainly the industry, mass market however not yet
Mass-market(ing) of seaweed is the main challenge today!

The metaphore of sailing a boat for the marketing function is often made.
The complexity of sailing a boat provides several similarities.
For example that the characteristics of the boat (company) and crew (personnel) provide a unique position compared to the other boats (competition) in the waters (market) & weather (market dynamics) they're...

Identifying and describing abstract, non-tangiible aspects of your product or service are difficult but oh so valuable!
The Means-end-chain model of Gutman is simple in its set-up but challenging to apply to your market and even though it dates back in the eighties, it is still relevant today!

Unique Selling Point is widely known and attempts are often made to define a USP for a brand or proposition.
When the Unique Buying Reason is questioned the opposite seems to be the case, only a few research this and spend efforts to define this.
In addition to the UBR of your target audience it could also be...